212: CCTV Surveillance, Second Edition: Video Practices and Technology
211: Modeling and Simulation for RF System Design
210: Essential MATLAB for Engineers and Scientists, Third Edition
209: Introduction to Engineering Statistics and Six Sigma: Statistical Quality Control and Design
208: Digital Circuit Analysis and Design with Simulink Modeling and Introduction to CPLDs and FPGAs
207: CompTIA RFID+ Study Guide: Exam RF0-101
206: Hardware and Computer Organization
205: Wind Energy Explained: Theory, Design and Application
204: The Civil Engineering Handbook, Second Edition
203: Fundamentals of Engineering Electromagnetics
202: Process/Industrial Instruments and Controls Handbook, 5th Edition
201: Handbook of Thermal Analysis of Construction Materials
200: Schaums Outline of Theory and Problems of Electric Circuits 4th edition
199: Schaum's Outline of Basic Electricity
198: Schaum's Outline of Basic Circuit Analysis
197: HyperTransport System Architecture
196: PCI Express System Architecture
195: Analysis and Design of Integrated Circuit � Antenna Modules
194: Lumped Elements for RF and Microwave Circuits
193: Distortion in Rf Power Amplifiers
192: Design of Linear RF Outphasing Power Amplifiers
191: Broadband Microwave Amplifiers
190: Nonlinear Microwave and RF Circuits, 2nd Edition
189: Computational Engineering - Introduction to Numerical Methods
188: Finite Element Methods: Parallel-Sparse Statics and Eigen-Solutions
187: Analog and Digital Circuits for Electronic Control System
186: LabVIEW for Everyone: Graphical Programming Made Easy and Fun 3rd Edition
185: RFID in the Supply Chain: A Guide to Selection and Implementation
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183: USB Design by Example: A Practical Guide to Building I/O Devices
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180: Dielectrics in Electric Fields
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177: Ferraz Shawmut Book of Electrical Information
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174: Anatomy of a Robot
173: Ultra Low-Power Electronics and Design
172: Analog and Digital Filter Design
171: Electronic Navigation Systems, Third Edition
170: Audio Power Amplifier Handbook
169: Circuit Analysis II with MATLAB Applications
168: Sensitivity of Automatic Control Systems
167: Advanced Control Engineering
166: Principles and Practice of Automatic Process Control
165: Engineering Analysis with ANSYS Software
164: RFID+ Exam Cram
163: Design for the Real World
162: Fundamentals of Industrial Instrumentation and Process Control
161: Broadband Bible
160: Guide To Electrical Power Distribution Systems 6th ed.
159: Synthesis of Arithmetic Circuits FPGA ASIC and Embedded Systems
158: Industrial Boilers and Heat Recovery Steam Generators Design Applications and Calculations
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156: Real-Time Digital Signal Processing : Implementations and Applications
155: RTL Hardware Design Using VHDL: Coding for Efficiency, Portability, and Scalability
154: Security Patterns: Integrating Security and Systems Engineering
153: Valve Selection Handbook, Fifth Edition: Engineering Fundamentals for Selecting the Right Valve
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150: IPA - Concepts and Applications in Engineering
149: Applied Structural Mechanics: Fundamentals of Elasticity, Load-Bearing Structures
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146: Noise Reduction in Speech Applications
145: Numerical Library in Java for Scientists and Engineers
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143: Secondary Steelmaking Principles and Applications
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140: Recent Advances in Artificial Neural Networks Design and Applications
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137: Run to Run Control in Semiconductor Manufacturing
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133: CMOS PLL Synthesizers: Analysis and Design
132: A Platform-Centric Approach to System-on-Chip (SOC) Design
131: Analog VLSI Circuits for the Perception of Visual Motion
130: Tyre mechanics and its impact on vehicle dynamics
129: Principles of Electrical Measurement
128: Apple I Replica Creation
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124: Lessons In Electric Circuits
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122: 2-D and 3-D Image Registration: For Medical, Remote Sensing, and Industrial Applications
121: Handbook of Sensor Networks
120: Formulas and Calculations for Drilling, Production and Workover
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117: Op Amps for Everyone
116: Open-Source Robotics and Process Control Cookbook
115: Handbook of Petroleum Product Analysis
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113: Interfacing PIC Microcontrollers: Embedded Design by Interactive Simulation
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111: Microwave Circuit Modeling Using Electromagnetic Field Simulation
110: Introduction to Electromagnetic Compatibility in Microwave and Optical Engineering
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108: Spheroidal Wave Functions in Electromagnetic Theory
107: Optimization Methods in Electromagnetic Radiation
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104: The Humane Interface: New Directions for Designing Interactive Systems
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101: Generalized Point Models in Structural Mechanics
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32: Radar Technology Encyclopedia
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28: Electrical Engineering Handbook 2nd ed.
27: Classical Electrodynamics
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25: The W1GHZ Online Microwave Antenna Book
24: Analog and Mixed-Signal Modeling using VHDL-AMS
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22: Hardware Design Verification: Simulation and Formal Method-Based Approaches
21: Finite Element Method: Volume 1, The Basis, 5th edition
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19: Electricity Demystified
18: Telecommunications Illustrated Dictionary 2nd Edition
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16: A Beginners Guide to Robotics Projects Using the PIC Micro
15: Electronics for Dummies
14: Multiprocessor Systems-on-Chips
13: Higher-Level Hardware Synthesis
12: Environmental Engineering Dictionary and Directory
11: Practical Analog And Digital Filter Design
10: The Illustrated Dictionary of Electronics
9: Siemens ebooks (Electricity, Power Distribution, Motor Control)
8: Smart Card Handbook 3rd ed.
7: Fundamentals of Digital Logic and Microcomputer Design, 5th Edition
6: Reversing: Secrets of Reverse Engineering
5: Mobile Workforce for Dummies
4: Instrumentation Reference Book, Third Edition
3: Microengineering, MEMS, and Interfacing
2: Engineering Manual of Automatic Control (for Commercial Buildings, Heating, Ventilation, Air Cond.)
1: Programming Microcontrollers in C
وهم موجودون على هذا الرابط
Programming Pic Microcontroller with PicBasic Compiler
http://www.giuciao.com/ books/ sort.php?by=Engineering

Nirupama Bulusu,«Wireless Sensor Networks»
Artech House Publishers | ISBN:1580538673 | PDF | 3,76 MB | 326 pages | 2005
This first-of-its-kind resource offers you an in-depth understanding of
wireless sensor networks from a systems perspective. The book describes
and categorizes the technological trends, leading applications,
state-of-the-art platform developments, future trends, and challenges
of sensor networks. You find critical coverage of network protocols and
mechanisms for node localization, time synchronization, media access
control, topology creation and management, routing, transport, storage,
security and fault tolerance, energy conservation and harvesting, and
node deployment in large-scale sensor networks.

Ananthram Swami, Qing Zhao, Yao-Win Hong, Lang Tong, " Wireless Sensor Networks Signal Processing and Communications"
Wiley (December 4, 2007) | ISBN: 0470035579 | 416 pages | PDF | 3 Mb
A wireless sensor network (WSN) uses a number of autonomous devices to
cooperatively monitor physical or environmental conditions via a
wireless network. Since its military beginnings as a means of
battlefield surveillance, practical use of this technology has extended
to a range of civilian applications including environmental monitoring,
natural disaster prediction and relief, health monitoring and fire
detection. Technological advancements, coupled with lowering costs,
suggest that wireless sensor networks will have a significant impact on
21st century life.
The design of wireless sensor networks requires consideration for
several disciplines such as distributed signal processing,
communications and cross-layer design. Wireless Sensor Networks: Signal
Processing and Communications focuses on the theoretical aspects of
wireless sensor networks and offers readers signal processing and
communication perspectives on the design of large-scale networks. It
explains state-of-the-art design theories and techniques to readers and
places emphasis on the fundamental properties of large-scale sensor
Wireless Sensor Networks: Signal Processing and Communications :
Approaches WSNs from a new angle – distributed signal processing,
communication algorithms and novel cross-layer design paradigms.
Applies ideas and illustrations from classical theory to an emerging field of WSN applications.
Presents important analytical tools for use in the design of application-specific WSNs.
Wireless Sensor Networks will be of use to signal processing and
communications researchers and practitioners in applying classical
theory to network design. It identifies research directions for senior
undergraduate and graduate students and offers a rich bibliography for
further reading and investigation.
Wireless Sensor Networks Signal Processing and Communications
Product Details
Hardcover: 416 pages
Publisher: Wiley (December 4, 2007)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0470035579
ISBN-13: 978-0470035573
The last decade has seen a rapid surge of interest in new sensing and
monitoring devices for healthcare and the use of wearable/wireless
devices for clinical applications. One key development in this area is
implantable in vivo monitoring and intervention devices. Several
promising prototypes are emerging for managing patients with
debilitating neurological disorders and for monitoring of patients with
chronic cardiac diseases. Despite the technological developments of
sensing and monitoring devices, issues related to system integration,
sensor miniaturization, low-power sensor interface circuitry design,
wireless telemetric links and signal processing have still to be
investigated. Moreover, issues related to Quality of Service, security,
multi-sensory data fusion, and decision support are active research
This book addresses the issues of this rapidly changing field of
wireless wearable and implantable sensors and discusses the latest
technological developments and clinical applications of body-sensor

Shih-Lin Wu, Yu-Chee Tseng, «Wireless Ad Hoc Networking: Personal-Area, Local-Area, and the Sensory-Area Networks»
AUERBACH | ISBN 0849392543 | 1 edition (March 28, 2007) | PDF | 4.5 Mb | 664 pages
Book Description:
With state-of-the-art research, Wireless Ad Hoc Networking provides
wide coverage of key technologies in wireless ad hoc networks including
networking architectures and protocols, cross-layer architectures,
localization and location tracking, power management and
energy-efficient design, power and topology control, time
synchronization, coverage issues, middleware and software design, data
gathering and processing, embedded network-oriented operating systems,
mobility management, self-organization and governance, QoS and
real-time issues, security and dependability issues, applications,
modeling and performance evaluation, implementation and experience, and
much more.
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